Will donating plasma hinder muscle growth?

Hi Austin or Jordan,

I’m a 20 year old college student who loves to train and competes in Strongman. I have a few friends that donate plasma twice a week for extra cash and I have thought about doing so myself since as it seems like easy money. The problem is though, I’m worried that it will affect my gains and my training performance. I know that unlike whole blood, plasma regenerates within 48 hours. What are your thoughts? Should be I ok to donate regularly? Or will hurt my gainz? Thanks!

I suspect you’ll be fine :slight_smile:

Piggy backing on this thread since it has to do with blood/plasma donations. Hope that’s OK.

How soon after donating blood should you wait before working out again? I’m donating Tue and plan on working out on Wed. Is that enough time or should I plan on pushing the next workout to Thur?

Probably a stupid question but any other precautions with working out after a blood donation?

I’d probably train. Just make sure you’re fed and hydrated.