Working around pain with clients


Currently coaching clients on barbell lifts and one area I would like to improve on is working with/around injuries they present with.

For example, I would like to understand in what situations it is fine to “train through the pain”, and in what situations it isn’t.

I’m aware this is case-dependent and that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. I’m looking for a starting point to gain a deeper understanding and improve my skills in this area.

I have no formal background in physical therapy/rehabilitation.

Appreciate your insights​

We have a lot of free content available on Pain & Rehab. This article is probably the best place to start: Pain in Training: What To Do?

There are also a number of Pain & Rehab-focused podcasts that I would recommend listening to.

However, without clinical education & training it is unlikely that you will be able to fully address your question.