Hello! Currently I deadlift using straps because I am not interested in powerlifting and I do not want to limit my back and lower body. I do train grip separately with captains of crush grippers and farmer carries in some training blocks. As for forearm hypertrophy I’d much rather do reverse curls, hammer curls, wrist curls, fat gripz on some pulling exercises, than limit my deadlift or pendlay rows. My question is, in my case, is there a reason why I should still do deadlifts without straps or am I good with my current approach?
I think maximum grip strength for most activities is better developed from the deadlift (and similar) compared to all of the other exercises you’re doing combined, save for maybe the loaded carries depending on how they’re programmed. That said, you’re running the beginner template, suggesting to me that you’re still pretty early on in your journey here. I do not think your grip is likely to limit your leg and back training and I think it’s worthwhile developing grip strength for someone interested in barbell training. Even if you’ll never do a powerlifting meet, I think the grip strength developed from deadlifts (and other exercises) is useful. Just my 0.02.
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