I recently picked up PB1 (gen 2) and am enjoying it so far.
In relation to the zone 1 conditioning, I am wondering whether doing a pack march (or rucking as I believe it is referred to in the US) could be a good option for it?
I am curious as what the preferred modality is for zone 1 conditioning as this zone training is novel to me.
Thanks for the post. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the template so far.
Zone 1 conditioning is relatively low intensity, making brisk walking, easy cycling, and similar some of the go-to modalities. Carrying a weighted pack, using a weighted vest, or rucking alters intensity in proportion to weight carried, change in speed, and duration.
For example, a 75kg adult walking at 3mph on level pavement is predicted to burn ~ 282 Cal/hr based on experimental data. Adding a vest weighing 5% of BW increases that number to 290 Cal/hr. A 10% BW vest with the same speed, terrain, etc would cost 300 Cal/hr. If speed goes down or time spent exercising goes down, this is probably a wash.
I suspect most people would not see an added conditioning benefit from rucking vs walking. If they find it enjoyable however, I’m all for it.
Is this true even if one is to use a weight vest when walking in a steep incline? Climing mountains for excample? Been using snow shoes and 20 kg weight vest (95kg BW) for my 30min rpe 6. Been doing it instead if my prefeered cardio modality (jogging and cross contry skiing with my dog) because og some knee and hip pain.
For reference i’m on the medium intesity 3-day program.
If you’re asking whether or not the energy expenditure changes are similar to what I described above when someone is walking on different surfaces, then yes, the interplay between load, pace, and duration are the same.
If you like what you’re doing for conditioning, that’s cool with me!