12 Week Strength - 530 Tempo Squat

For the 12 Week Strength template, am I correctly reading that, (1) in Week 5 (Low Stress), both squat variation days should be 530 Tempo Squats–3 sets of 8 on day 2 and a single followed by a set of 4 on day 3 and (2) that is the only use of the 530 Tempo Squat in the program? If so, I’m curious about the reason for switching from 303 to 530, and only using 530 in that particular week.

(Also, just as a heads up, on the Video Playlist tab, both the 303 Tempo Squat and the 530 Tempo Squat links lead to the same 303 Tempo Squat video.)

As always, thanks so much.

Hey Jason,

Yes- both squat variations should be 5-3-0 tempo for that week. It’s a washout week so we want the most contrasting type of exercise possible.

I saw it was linked to the wrong one. I’ll need to change that! Thanks man.
