2 Powerbuilding 2 Questions

Hi all,

Two quick questions on the new Powerbuilding 2:

  1. On the progression for the main lifts, Week 1 calls for 5@6, 5@7, then 5@8. Week 2 then calls for just 5@8, then back off for 70% 1RMx5x3 sets. The progression on the accessories is similar; for example RDLs week 1 are 8@6, 8@7, then 8@8. Week 2 is then 8@8x2.

I’m more used to the previous template style, so just wanted to clarify here–for week 2 on each of these, should I still be warming up with the same 5@6 and 5@7 (for example) before doing the programmed reps and sets? Or should I just warm up with whatever feels comfortable and prepares me to do that 5@8, and then go from there (such that Week 1 would be more to establish a starting point for what my 5@8 would be going forward)?

  1. If I wanted to do this program 2 days a week over 2 weeks (which, totally realize not ideal from a powerlifting perspective, etc., but would be more convenient with current goals to get back into BJJ and climbing) would Day 1 and Day 2 in week 1, and then Day 3 and Day 4 in week 2, make the most sense?

Thank you! Program looks great and I’m excited to run it.


Thanks for the post.

  1. I think ramping sets are useful for homing in on a top set’s load, but I don’t really care how you get there either. In other words, if you want to use ramping sets exclusively, that’s cool…just do it every time.

  2. I would not do that. Rather, I would pick 6-8 exercises from the 4 days and do them weekly rather than every other week.


Great, thank you!

I think this is a more general template question - if the weights lifted during the ramping sets are very close to the backoff prescription, should we take them into consideration? And if we don’t and treat the backoff sets separately, would it be slightly off from what the program was designed as, for a first time run?

It would be fine to count them as a back off set. It doesn’t matter either way.