3 day vs 4 day

For the past year, I’ve used Time Crunch 2.0, Bodybuilding 1.0 (block 2 but just rotated through movements) and Hypertrophy 1.0, and Strongman (Block 1), due to nursing school. I was able to train and get in sessions with short rest periods and super setting. There is a 10 week or so period coming up, however, where I can actually train more and thus utilize any of the more “time-demanding” templates. I was thinking maybe powerbuilding 2 (4 day) or hypertrophy 2 (4 day). However, after that, due to school going to be demanding yet again, I’m going to be forced to go back to a three day template/using time crunch.

My question is that, would I better off not exposing my body to this increased volume and training if it would cause future templates to be less effective? I don’t know if this makes sense, but I remember some threads back then where it was recommended that if an individual used a 4 day template, to NOT go back to the 3 day ones (although I’m not sure why or if this is even the case). For what it’s worth, I still made gains this entire past year on these “lesser” volume templates even though I’ve used powerbuilding 2 and hypertrophy 2 before that.

I also got the new bodybuilding 2.0 and plan to use the 3 day block on repeat (also I plan to purchase the 2-day template and use that!) for a long, long while when school gets busy again. So basically, my question is: Would exposing myself to one of the “4 days templates”, due to the increased volume, make those “3 day templates” less effective for me in the future? I suppose not, because 1) otherwise time crunch wouldn’t be a thing 2) you can’t infinitely increase volume forever, and 3) finally because training does eventually call for rotating between high and low volumes? I know I’m overthinking this so I apologize!

Also, any chance for a time crunch 3.0?

Thank you so much,


I think that going from a higher volume and/or higher stress program when life stress is low to a lower volume and/or lower stress program when life stress is high makes total sense. I do not think exposure to a higher volume and/or higher stress program is likely to influence results on a subsequent program.

All else being equal, training less is unlikely to produce the same amount of progress than training more. However, the total stress applied to the individual between life, training, and environment needs to be appropriate. This requires altering training with the seasons of life. I think I may have been unclear or incomplete in previously describing these ideas, as many believe doing less is likely to produce worse results.

I’d favor something that tickles your fancy during this 10 week period followed by the BB 2 3-day as you planned :slight_smile:


Ok got it thank you so much!!