Week 1 day 3 has exercise 3 as myoreps with either: db press or lever row. Is that db press as in overhead press with dumbbells? Seems odd since lever rows and presses seem dissimilar. Thanks!
The version 1 templates included an exercise register that listed the dumbbell press under pressing movements. So it should be meant as an overhead press (as opposed to db flat bench press or db incline bench press which were listed under bench pressing movements). The templates generally don’t use different terms for the same movement. I learned this the hard way thinking “belt squat” is the same as “squat w/ belt”. 4 weeks of myorep sqats as the last exercise really sucked…
Concerning the dissimilarity: I wouldn’t worry about it and pick an exercise that seems to suit your weaknesses better (or you enjoy more). The strength templates for example have an option for RDL or leg press in a slot, depending on if you good morning your squat.
Awesome, thanks for the info and confirmation. I bought some Ironmaster adjustable dumbbells a while back but was on the strength template and had no occasion to use them. Looking forward to some DB action! Oh, and I assumed belt squat was squat with belt too, LOL.
In case you are still wondering: it is a hip belt squat. There are machines or make shift versions of it with a barbell and a weight belt. There were some questions about the exercise on facebook and the forum so I think there has been some confusion apart from us.