Excel mistakes in 3 Day Hypertrophy Template?

Question #1: In the template, weeks 1 through 4, exercises for 6 reps: the % of 1RM on these exercises are:

68% for RPE 6
73% for RPE 7
78% for RPE 8

These percentages above are the same for the exercises calling for 8 reps (same RPEs). I would think the 8 rep percentages would be lower than the 6 reps. Is this correct?

Question #2: weeks 5 through 7, day 3, exercise 3 “Supplemental Squat - Method 2” calls for benching exercises DB incline or barbell close-grip. Shouldn’t this exercise be a squat variety?

I’ll just comment on question 2: it’s supposed to be an upper body lift. They wanted more upper body volume/gainzZz but they left it labeled as S-S2 for some reason.

  1. Yeah, I assume it’s an error for the 8 rep work. 8@8 is around 74% if I remember correctly.

  2. Interesting, I never caught this before. Week 5+ Day 2 and 3 both have the exact same exercise (DB Incline or CGBP) for myoreps with the same reps, and this means you’re only squatting 1x/week, seems suspicious.

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I’m going to post my questions to the main training forum so the coaches can give some feedback.

You are supposed to do more benching in the last three weeks of Hypertrophy v2 template. This has been stated and confirmed by Jordan a few times.

I personally do the extra benching all the way through, no myorep squatting. I don’t need the extra volume on squats but I do need it on bench pressing.

Do you find squatting 1x a week has no impact on your strength? Genuinely curious, seems like a steep reduction in volume from all the others templates

Not for me. I am a bit of a glute/quadzilla. I could drive squat up massively if I wanted to, but I don’t. I really need to spend training resources on upper body and pressing. I was driving my squat up 2.5kgs (5.5lbs) every time I trained it during SSLP, but my version where I only squatted on Workout A; half the volume SSLP calls for. I stopped my version of SSLP at 135kgs (297.6lbs) for 5x3 but that was driven more because bench failed miserably at 82kgs (180.8lbs).

This is a case of difference responses to the same training stimuli as Austin has mentioned a few times.

Consider also that the extra volume on myoreps is moderately small at a substantially lower intensity. The intensity is circa 50% of e1RM or so. Myoreps are mainly for hypertrophy purposes in a truncated time efficient manner, not strength. As such, volume for strength maintenance or strength attainment is negligibly changed, but volume for hypertrophy is increased. Again, as I am a glute/quadzilla I don’t need more hypertrophy as compared to my upper body.

When I did The Bridge, I ran it as planned, squatting three times a week. I don’t think I really needed to. I will probably switch out a squat accessory/supplemental movement for a pressing variation accessory/supplemental movement if I were to re-do it, which I might do when I am done after repeating Hyp v2 and losing body fat (the main goal right now).

Quadzilla, nice. Gotcha. Yeah makes sense the myoreps don’t really contribute to strength, just wasn’t sure if just getting under the bar a 2nd time would help prevent any detraining. Probably gonna run the template in a few weeks but I’ve only ever squatted 3x/week my whole training career, so I guess I’m a bit hesitant to drop the volume so much. If anything, it’ll act as a nice re-sensitization period.