A few Powerbuilding I questions

  1. What is your recommended warm-up?
  2. What does the supplemental squat programing mean? (10 reps @ 9, 1 back down set of 10 @8-9)
  3. The most conditioning I´ve done is 30 min LISS twice a week, never done HIIT. Should I do the conditioning as programed or should I slowly ramp up the volume?

Thanks in advace!


  1. Check out the PDF included for our recommended warm-up.

  2. Perform a top set of 10 reps @ RPE 9. Do another set of 10 reps @ RPE 8-9 at a (likely) lighter weight then the 1st set of 10 @ 9.

  3. I would do the conditioning as programmed.


Thanks doctor!