Adding singles to Hypertrophy I template

Hey Crew,

Would it be a bad idea to add singles @ 7-8 for SBD on hypertrophy I template? I miss doing singles at the end of the Beginner template, and I’ve also realized that I’m not able to lift as much in singles; I’m assuming because of a lack of exposure to them, and because my rep ranges for any given exercise has been 8-20 reps (further removed from lower rep range strength?) If that makes sense. The beginner template had regular exposure to sets of 4 on SBD.


Given that it’s a hypertrophy template, the priority is not maximal strength development and the programming reflects that. I’m not sure that doing heavy singles are the best uses of your time and resources, but you can do them if you want.

If I were coaching you at this point in your training career, I’d try to talk you out of adding singles.