The SS forums turned into a discussion about knives.
The community kinda claims the end of gains.
Where in my world of beer loving ways does the truth lay?
The SS forums turned into a discussion about knives.
The community kinda claims the end of gains.
Where in my world of beer loving ways does the truth lay?
You can drink 1-2 drinks and be fine, but more than that probably interferes with gainzZz™ directly and indirectly.
Is that 1-2 each day or 1-2 per day to be saved until Friday? For example;
I didnt drink Monday through Thursday (2 per day x 4 days =8). So Friday I can have my allotted 2 plus the 8 I saved up?
I’m pretty sure that’s how it works
(edit: that’s not how this works)
I’ve read somewhere that habitual drinking of small doses (1-2 drinks/day) is a lot less harmful than sporadic binging (10 doses). The article, which I can’t recall now, evaluated neuron damage, but maybe it correlates to MPS damage?
Yes, this is why binge drinking is “bad”. Increased anabolic resistance secondary to binge drinking is what occurs from a muscle standpoint.
On some level, yes.
A lot of articles claim that because the body metabolizes alcohol first (it can’t be stored so it takes precedence), fat loss is hindered because fat metabolism is halted. But wouldn’t eating the same amout of calories in carbs (or protein or fat) hinder fat metabolism equally? Applying “calories in – calories out”, there shouldn’t be any difference (with 1-2 drinks) when taking the alcohol calories out of one’s carb allotment… or am I missing something?
Is this why RPE-programming is better? To also factor in drunken stupors.