Another "what program" thread, including high stress and demotivation

Hey BBM Crew,

Hate to add to the pile of “what program” threads here, but I find myself in a bit of a predicament and was hoping for some guidance.

Background: Have been doing barbell lifts seriously for about 4-5 years now
Stats: Male, 6’5", 34" waist, 230lbs
Lifts (E1RM): Sq - 445, Bench - 345, Dead - 510, Press - 235

I am currently finishing up Bridge 3.0, and have been successfully rotating between this program and the legacy 4 day hypertrophy program with very good results. Unfortunately I am currently dealing with high external stress (recently separated, working full time in a moderate to high stress job, managing a home with 2 dogs with behavioural/anxiety issues). On this recent run of Bridge 3.0 I have found the majority of my lifts stalling as well as my motivation (I’m sure part causation and correlation). I am happy with my physique and strength, but due to external circumstances can only swing a 3 day program (+ GPP). I was thinking it would be best to move to the Hypertrophy 1 program in order to give my body a break from a more strength directed program, as I have also found hypertrophy type programs work as a palate cleanser in terms of motivation and having fun in the gym. I only ask if you think this would be a good path, or if Powerbuilding 1 or General S&C are more warranted for some reason regarding my situation.

If you don’t feel this content would be helpful to the general BBM public, feel free to avoid approval and I’ll just go with my gut :slight_smile:



Thanks for the post and I hope things are turning around for you my friend. Chin up, you’ll see a light at the end of the tunnel soon :slight_smile:

I would 100% go with a hypertrophy template here as you and I appear to have the same biases. Let us know how it goes!


Hey Jordan,

I really appreciate your response, and had mentally bookmarked this in order to provide an update after sufficient time has passed, so here we are.

First of all, I did begin the Hypertrophy I program and it worked exactly how expected. Not only was the lack of heavy work a nice break, but the exercise selection provided a much greater positive mental benefit than I had estimated, and the high rep “pump” type work gave me the momentum I needed to look forward to training again. I hadn’t mentioned in my previous post that I was also dealing with (undiagnosed) symptoms in line with those of FAI syndrome for almost a year now with a squat 1RM at a standstill, and doing 3-0-3 tempo squats for sets of 10 has allowed me to address form deficiencies and load management issues, leading to immediate relief in pain in the first few weeks, and now it is all but eliminated. Currently working closer to my previous 1RM every week even though it is a hypertrophy focused program. I know this sounds like a sales pitch but I really never expected things would go this well, and I’m only on week 8.

Secondly, I purchased and read ‘Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers’ and it was life changing to realize how invasive stress is to almost all health markers. That information alone lead me to addressing my approach to stress management which I believe made a big impact to all of the above as well. I’ve since then started watching Sapolsky’s 2010 Stanford lectures (which are all on Youtube and Apple podcasts, etc) and I have to say that man is a national treasure.

Thanks for all the information, advice, and suggestions personal or otherwise across all platforms; everything is looking up and these things have catalyzed the changes.