Anybody know?

Does BBM have its own take on the Starting Strength linear progression, and if so where do you find it?

Thanks, Sorry if this has been asked before

I feel like you’re missing some words…

You’re right, thanks. I was missing the words “linear progression”

Prior to splitting from SS, BBM recommended the SSLP, since the split they have stated they are working on their own LP. So if/when BBM finishes their own LP, you will have a choice between a brand new untested program, or one that has been proven to work for many years.

Obviously none of us know exactly what the BBM novice program will look like, but I’d guess the biggest differences will come at the end. BBM will not recommend “milking every last drop” through volume reductions, frequency reductions, or intense grinding. They will probably implement concepts like the upper body plugin from the BBM newsletter last month to attempt to smooth the transition to their recommended post novice programming. A better bridge to The Bridge, if you will.

The Starting Strength Novice Linear Progression (SSLP) is set up on an A/B schedule where workouts “A” and “B” are alternated on non-consecutive days, e.g. M/W/F or T/R/Sat.
A common issue people have is that their upper body lifts plateau prior to their squat and deadlift, which creates a programming problem. We have a solution. We’d recommend doing the following as a direct plug-and-play for workouts A and B:
Workout A
Squats per SSLP
Bench x 1 @ +5% from last 5 x 3 sets on LP, then take 15% off the bar for 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift per SSLP
Press x 8 reps x 4 sets @ -12% from previous press 5 x 3 sets on LP

Workout B
Squats per SSLP
Press 1 @ +5% from last 5 x 3 sets, then take 15% off the bar for 4 reps x 6 sets
Power Cleans or Rows per SSLP
Close grip bench x 8 reps x 4 sets @ -15% from previous bench press 5 x 3 sets on LP

-Attempt to add 2.5-5lbs per week on all sets without going above RPE (rate or perceived exertion) 8, which denotes having approximately 2 reps left in reserve, i.e. you could’ve done another 2 reps before failing.

-Bench presses are touch and go. You can use a belt if you like.
Presses are done from a dead stop. You can also use a belt if you like.

-Rest 4-5 minutes between work sets
Alternate A and B workouts as you were on Starting Strength LP (SSLP)

-When your squat and deadlift stop increasing on SSLP, start The Bridge.

Thanks. Yeah I know, but I have this sneaking suspicion Jordan and crew know what they’re talking about. Remember, they were all SS coaches at one point.

Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I know a lot of SS coaches have said it’s better to just switch to intermediate programming at that point. Can’t imagine that sentiment is lost on BBM.

Cool, so that’s the plug in. Thanks for taking the time to post that. I wonder if they’ll change anything else when their LP comes out.

It’s interesting… the reason I asked this question is because someone posed a question to Jordan about load % for paused squats in the middle of the week for their LP… as opposed to 5x3 with a load reduction - what the LP calls for as an advanced novice. So I was all “paused squats?.. wuuut?”

Theyve got got to be working on something

They have one listed in master template bundle per the sticky post by Leah on the moderated forums. Though that requires a purchase. I personally would just do the SSNLP, and as the end nears pay attention to all the content BBM has put out and not milk it. For instance what Morganlsm posted.

Thanks, I’ll check that out

Ok so Jordan had an IG live thing this morning, so I asked him about it.

He said BBM is working on a Novice plan, but (newsflash) it won’t be an LP, as he mentioned LP is suboptimal for a novice lifter. Whether he means SSLP or strict linear increase in general, I’m not sure, but I’d put my money on the former… Not that those two things are mutually exclusive but it was hard to discern. I also asked him when it might be ready, but he couldn’t answer.

Yeah, we’re not really able to give many set timelines at this time. Imagine moving all the parts of a relatively small company, yet one that was already pretty busy, into hyper-drive over the last couple of months. We’re cranking stuff out, and there are SO many things coming. We will always, always blast you all with the update and new things we do. As I am know to say because Jordan trolls me and talks others into trolling me too-We won’t create anything and then not tell you all about it. So it’s coming, so many things are coming!

Clients who have worked with us personally have been put through plenty of novice work, so whatever is published won’t be actually “untested” either…


I think Jordan was bouncing off some potential ideas in an instragram live a while back - I remember sets of 4’s (“nothing is special about fahves”) and obviously replacing power cleans with rows. Also not sure if I’m remembering these details at all properly: using RPE from the get-go and increasing volume over time.