App Template Edits

Hi, I just had a couple questions regarding the new app. Is it possible to edit the prescriptions of future workouts for existing templates similar to the function of the programming skeleton of the spreadsheets? And is it possible to create prescriptions for the future for a custom program? All in all though the app is looking really cool and excited to use it!

I don’t think so at the time outside of exercise selection. We’ll take this feedback under advisement for the next update!

I have only just stumbled upon the app recently and have been using it this week. I think it’s really well done.

In terms of template customization, what I have found is that if you have sufficient customization of one of the template programs it is easy enough to use the “Begin Empty Session” function, and load that up with planned details of your upcoming session before you leave for the gym, referring the excel spreadsheet template as needed.

Over some beers tonight Im going to go back in and backdate my last 4 weeks of training into the app so I have all the details of this block from the (now highly customized) bodybuilding block in once place (i.e. it’s nice you can backdate entries and log them for the correct date.)

Ok sounds good, thanks!