I’m about to start a program that is sports-specific for duathlon + “hybrid” strength performance, so it contains rather a lot of cardio volume - 5 sessions per week, with about 2 hours of more intense work and 3-4 hours of LISS / endurance-base work.
This program includes strength programming, but it turns out to use a lot of equipment that I don’t have for accessory lifts. Such are the hazards of buying a template without a preview! So I’m going to have to modify it somewhat.
Without wanting to draw you into consulting on someone else’s program, do you have any thoughts on the suitability of your own programs as a supplement to sports-specific training? Are there any general principles that might be applied to modifying a program to accommodate a reduced focus on strength?
It occurs to me that the total conditioning volume isn’t wildly higher than might be expected from someone playing a sport alongside the Endurance Template - would that be a sensible place to look for inspiration?