Arm Work Bridge

On the comments threads on here for the bridge and on the bridge 2.0 itself it’s recommended by the doctors if one wants to do arm work to do it after each workout and it will say something like do 3 sets of bicep and tricep work, maybe bump it up to 4 sets after a few weeks. Does that mean I do BOTH curls and pushdowns after all 3 training days? Or does that mean I do curls Monday, tris Wednesday, curls Friday and flip the next week? Only asking both because curls and tris each 3x per week for 3x12 each is a decent amount of volume for arms on top of the pressing, rowing and gpp chins. Granted I wouldn’t be opposed to the gainzzz, I’m just asking what is meant by the recommendation as I don’t want to overdo what’s programmed.

I have found that arm work really doesn’t take away anything from the main lifts, provided you keep it within reason (building up over time to 10-15 sets per week for each biceps and triceps is probably a good target for most people in the BBM demographic). How you distribute those sets really doesn’t matter either. You can do 3 sets 3 days a week. 4 sets 3 days a week. 5 sets 2 days a week. 6 sets 2 days a week. 5 sets 3 days a week. You can do biceps and triceps each day you do arm work. You can split it up onto separate days. Etc. Whatever works best for you. Just don’t go from doing 6 sets a week straight into 15. Build it up slowly. Add a set or two each week until you’re satisfied with the volume.


I think you’d have to be going absolutely berserk on arms before it cut into your main lifts, if possible at all.
My routine is more more less 4 x 12 @ RPR 9 curls Monday, 3 x 12 RPE 9 weighted dips Wednesday and MYO rep curls @ RPE 15 Friday. Depends on how I’m performing on the day.
As much volume, intensity and frequency as you can throw at them seems to be the order of the day for the guns.