Barbell Medicine Template Overviews

BBM Template Overviews

12 week press template

  1. Intermediate
  2. Solid amount of training time available
  3. Not trying to lean out more than 5lbs
  4. Pure strength training focus
  5. Focus on squat, press, and deadlift
  6. Good meet prep
  7. Uses RPE and/or percentages
  8. 4 days/week
  9. Includes conditioning (additional 1-2 days or added after a training session)
  10. Includes suggested modification for 3 days/week
  11. Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench, optional-leg press
  12. Includes Video Playlist

12 week strength template

  1. Intermediate
  2. Solid amount of training time available
  3. Not trying to lean out more than 5lbs
  4. Not recovering from an injury
  5. Focus on squat, bench, and deadlift
  6. Good meet prep
  7. Uses RPE and/or percentages
  8. 4 days/week
  9. Included conditioning (additional 1-2 days or added after a training session)
  10. Includes suggested modification for 3 days/week
  11. Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, preferably able to use the pins, optional: leg press
  12. Includes Video Playlist

4 week Time Crunch

  1. Intermediate
  2. Training time per session only 60 min
  3. Can be run 2-3 times a year between other training cycles
  4. Provides a way to keep training when time is short
  5. Uses RPE
  6. 3 days/week
  7. No conditioning included
  8. Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench; optional-leg press
  9. Includes Video Playlist

4 week Oly

  1. Intermediate
  2. Early Olympic lifting development
  3. Uses RPE
  4. 4 days/week
  5. Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
  6. Equipment-Olympic bar, bumper plates
  7. Includes Video Playlist

7 week Endurance (GPP)

  1. Intermediate, directly post-novice if focus is on weight loss now
  2. Used to improve conditioning while still training
  3. Should be cycled with a strength program
  4. Not fitting for meet prep
  5. Designed to be run following the SSLP, 12 week strength block, or the 4 week Time Crunch programs
  6. Uses RPE
  7. 6 days/week, work can also be done in fewer days by doubling up lifting with a conditioning session
  8. Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, rower and/or bike
  9. Includes Video Playlist

7 week GPP Hypertrophy

  1. Intermediate
  2. Post-novice with specific goal of muscle size increase
  3. Designed to be run following or before the 12 week strength block, after LP or Bridge, after HLM, after the GPP Endurance template
  4. Works best when you are actively gaining weight
  5. Can be used when you are leaning out as it provides added volume and lower fatigue demands helpful when in a deficit
  6. Should be used in a cycle with a strength program
  7. High volume training, specific exercise selections
  8. Uses RPE and/or percentages
  9. 3 day/week
  10. Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
  11. Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, incline bench, optional: DBs, leg press, SSB
  12. Includes Video Playlist

Heavy Light Medium

  1. Intermediate
  2. Good option right after the Bridge 1.0 or 2.0
  3. Less time intensive than the 12 Week Strength Template
  4. Uses RPE and percentages
  5. 3 days/week
  6. Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
  7. Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench; optional -leg press and SSB
  8. Includes Video Playlist

Bridge 2.0

  1. Solid-post novice training program, also a good idea after Time Crunch Template or GPP Endurance Template
  2. Can also be run after Bridge 1.0
  3. Uses several different supplemental lifts from Bridge 1.0
  4. Rep schemes varied from Bridge 1.0
  5. Introduces RPE and also provides percentages
  6. 3 days/week
  7. Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
  8. Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench, optional-leg press and SSB
  9. Includes Video Playlist

Bridge 1.0

  1. Free download
  2. 8 weeks
  3. Includes training/RPE ebook
  4. Early Intermediate, immediately post-novice LP
  5. 3 days/week
  6. Includes conditioning (additional 1- 2 days)
  7. Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench
  8. No video library included

Master Template Bundle

  1. Novice Linear Progression
  2. 12 Week Strength Program
  3. Bridge 2.0
  4. HLM
  5. 7 Week GPP Endurance
  6. 7 Week GPP Hypertrophy
  7. 4 Week Oly
  8. 4 Week TIme Crunch
  9. Video Library
  10. RPE overview

Updated file with all of the newer templates, more information, and an equipment list.