BBM Template Overviews
12 week press template
- Intermediate
- Solid amount of training time available
- Not trying to lean out more than 5lbs
- Pure strength training focus
- Focus on squat, press, and deadlift
- Good meet prep
- Uses RPE and/or percentages
- 4 days/week
- Includes conditioning (additional 1-2 days or added after a training session)
- Includes suggested modification for 3 days/week
- Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench, optional-leg press
- Includes Video Playlist
12 week strength template
- Intermediate
- Solid amount of training time available
- Not trying to lean out more than 5lbs
- Not recovering from an injury
- Focus on squat, bench, and deadlift
- Good meet prep
- Uses RPE and/or percentages
- 4 days/week
- Included conditioning (additional 1-2 days or added after a training session)
- Includes suggested modification for 3 days/week
- Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, preferably able to use the pins, optional: leg press
- Includes Video Playlist
4 week Time Crunch
- Intermediate
- Training time per session only 60 min
- Can be run 2-3 times a year between other training cycles
- Provides a way to keep training when time is short
- Uses RPE
- 3 days/week
- No conditioning included
- Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench; optional-leg press
- Includes Video Playlist
4 week Oly
- Intermediate
- Early Olympic lifting development
- Uses RPE
- 4 days/week
- Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
- Equipment-Olympic bar, bumper plates
- Includes Video Playlist
7 week Endurance (GPP)
- Intermediate, directly post-novice if focus is on weight loss now
- Used to improve conditioning while still training
- Should be cycled with a strength program
- Not fitting for meet prep
- Designed to be run following the SSLP, 12 week strength block, or the 4 week Time Crunch programs
- Uses RPE
- 6 days/week, work can also be done in fewer days by doubling up lifting with a conditioning session
- Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, rower and/or bike
- Includes Video Playlist
7 week GPP Hypertrophy
- Intermediate
- Post-novice with specific goal of muscle size increase
- Designed to be run following or before the 12 week strength block, after LP or Bridge, after HLM, after the GPP Endurance template
- Works best when you are actively gaining weight
- Can be used when you are leaning out as it provides added volume and lower fatigue demands helpful when in a deficit
- Should be used in a cycle with a strength program
- High volume training, specific exercise selections
- Uses RPE and/or percentages
- 3 day/week
- Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
- Equipment-rack, barbell, free weights, bench, incline bench, optional: DBs, leg press, SSB
- Includes Video Playlist
Heavy Light Medium
- Intermediate
- Good option right after the Bridge 1.0 or 2.0
- Less time intensive than the 12 Week Strength Template
- Uses RPE and percentages
- 3 days/week
- Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
- Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench; optional -leg press and SSB
- Includes Video Playlist
Bridge 2.0
- Solid-post novice training program, also a good idea after Time Crunch Template or GPP Endurance Template
- Can also be run after Bridge 1.0
- Uses several different supplemental lifts from Bridge 1.0
- Rep schemes varied from Bridge 1.0
- Introduces RPE and also provides percentages
- 3 days/week
- Includes conditioning (additional 2 days or added after a training session)
- Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench, optional-leg press and SSB
- Includes Video Playlist
Bridge 1.0
- Free download
- 8 weeks
- Includes training/RPE ebook
- Early Intermediate, immediately post-novice LP
- 3 days/week
- Includes conditioning (additional 1- 2 days)
- Equipment: rack, barbell, free weights, bench
- No video library included
Master Template Bundle
- Novice Linear Progression
- 12 Week Strength Program
- Bridge 2.0
- 7 Week GPP Endurance
- 7 Week GPP Hypertrophy
- 4 Week Oly
- 4 Week TIme Crunch
- Video Library
- RPE overview