Pre-Meet Programming Help

Hey everyone,

26M. 6’1" 208 lbs.

Full disclaimer: I have posed a similar question in the Training Discussion subforum that has gone unapproved for over a week, so I thought I would bring it here to get the opinions of fellow non-BBM staff trainees. I understand that Jordan & Austin et al run this forum in their spare time and have a lot of other commitments, so I understand if the question was too specific or otherwise inappropriate for that particular subforum. If the questions ends up getting approved, I apologize for the double post and bad forum etiquette!

I am currently in week 7 of the Bridge 1.0. I haven’t made as much progress as I had hoped, but I’m not too disappointed over it. There is definitely a learning curve to RPE, plus I was already in intermediate territory before starting it. Nevertheless, I really like BBM and the training philosophy of RPE and auto-regulation in general.

I am planning on competing in my first powerlifting meet in April 2019. I am not going to cut and will be competing in the 105kg/231lbs class, so I’m going to be in a slight caloric surplus until then. I want to run 12 Week Strength template directly prior to meet week as my actual “meet prep,” so that leaves me with 11 weeks between the end of the Bridge 1.0 and the beginning of 12 Week Strength. I have gathered that something like the GPP/Hypertrophy Template would be a good volume/recovery block between the Bridge and 12-Week Strength. However, it is a 7 week program, so that would still leave me with 4 weeks that I need to fill.

So, I’m considering two options right now:

  1. Extend the GPP/Hypertrophy template from 7 weeks to 11 weeks (not 100% sure how I’d do this), then jump into the 12-Week Strength template.

  2. Keep the GPP/Hypertrophy template at 7 weeks, but repeat part of the “development block” of the 12-Week Strength template in order to make it a “16-Week Strength” template.

Or maybe there’s a better option that I’m not thinking of. I’d really appreciate some advice from any of you more knowledgeable people out there!