My 62 year old has just just started at the gym with pretty general goals of slight improvement in body composition. He’s 5’10 and about 180lbs, fairly fit from playing regular squash.
The problem he has is that he had ankle fusion surgery from a severe break he had 15+ years ago, ruling out a lot of lower body exercises, and even certain upper body exercises due to balance.
Do you have any recommendations for a basic workout he could do please? I’m thinking something along the lines of the below, alternating A&B M/W/F.
Workout A
Bench Press 36
Chest Supported Row 36
OHP 38
Pulldown 38
Bi 312
Tri 312
Workout B
Leg Extension 310
Leg Curl 310
Incline Bench 310
Chest Supported Row 310
Thank you