Best template to transition to

So I am wrapping up the Bridge (starting week 7 monday) and have enjoyed it. I am considering just running it again back to back since I like the setup and it would build in a light week 8 and light week 1 to give me a bit of a break.

My question is where to go afterwards. I was thinking of alternating a 3 day hypertrophy with a 12 week strength template but it sounds like the time commitment for the strength template might be a no-go. I am a surgical fellow, the Bridge works for me well but I am limited to pretty much a max of 75-80 minutes for many of my workouts and doing 4 days/week in the gym is hard (I almost always have to skip/drop one of the days).

So the question is what is the best template that is a similar idea to 12 week strength but in a 3 day format and workouts not hitting that 2 hour mark like it sounds like the strength template does? Based on Leah’s description it sounds like maybe HLM would be the right fit? Just wanted to gather thoughts before I sank in the $

Thanks, love the site and info

The 12 Week Strength Template has a 3-day modification option (described in the template) that you could run. Each session shouldn’t last much longer than the ones on the Bridge, especially if you limit your rest times appropriately.