Bicep pain while lowering bar in bench

What could the reasoning and a way to fix the issue I have when I lower a bar on bench? I warm up with a few reps of 135 then jump up to 205 or 225 for a few more reps then with heavier weight then 225 (which I can still feel it at 225) on the first rep as I let the bar down I have to come down slow due to pain in both biceps and a feeling of dropping the bar and as I get to a point where I’m about 8-10” above my chest my biceps give and the weights comes down quick after the press back up the second rep on the way down is fine and there is very little to now pain afterwards. I also have this on the first rep after a 3-4 min break between sets but only the first lowering of the bar off the rack. It sounds weird I know but why would this happen. Elbow wraps that extend to biceps help