Bodybuilding questions

Thank you for all your help.

for bodybuilding with goal of hypertrioht
when we do barbell bench press, should we touch our chest, or the goal is to just have arms go parallel to chest meaning some can touch but for others if arms have to go a lot lower tor touch then don’t do so bc it places more stess on shoulders?

what about dumbbells?

also, for hypertrophy, I know we should always strive for more weight lifted or reps but I’m sure there comes a time after which we can’t do that?
for instance I can do barbell curls with 80 lbs 3x12 reps with great form. Whenever I try to increase the weight my form goes bad
so should I just keep lifting 80 over and over and as long as I am close to failure it’s a good weight? And just increase calories to gain weight and increase arm size?

I am doing Bb1, arms are 16 in trying to get to 17


Yes, I would recommend touching the chest on bench press variants unless otherwise specified. I do not think the position of the arms at the bottom should guide ROM. We want to place stress on the shoulders when benching, too.

For resistance training in general, we should aim to increase weight or reps when we can. I do not think there’s really a point where we can no longer do that over some time interval, save for detraining. In your example, I am confident you will be able to add weight and/or reps at some point in the future. Yes, getting close to failure is important for your goal.

For improvements in muscle size, yes, gaining weight slowly over time is advisable :slight_smile:
