Making changes to Hypertrophy I

In two weeks or so I’ll start on the Hypertrophy I template and I had a few questions:

  1. Is it worthwhile if I’ll be keeping my weight constant? I didn’t see any mention of gaining weight in the description of the template, as opposed to one of the other Hypertrophy templates, which explicitly says it’s best to run it while gaining weight.
  2. My chest is relatively weak (and not undersized), and I’d rather continue focusing on making gains on bench press–frankly, I have no interest in hypertrophy there. Is it OK to reduce the rep ranges on chest-related exercises? And if so, is there a simple rule of thumb for this or should I just use my judgment?


  1. Sure. Your weight management should be based on what you need to do from a health perspective or, if no particular strategy would benefit your health, whatever you’d prefer to do from a personal goal standpoint. I don’t think that any of the templates necessarily have any weight management restrictions.

  2. Have you ever run the hypertrophy template before? Maybe you’ll respond better strength wise to the higher volume…


  1. Cool.
  2. No, I have never done the Hypertrophy I template before–nor have I really tried training the bench press in the higher rep ranges. (Frankly, I’ve only been training the bench press since the start of the pandemic.) I take it, then, that your advice is to do the program as written?

Yea, I think that’s reasonable.