Bodybuilding template - 3 Days only

Hi BBM massive,

Currently running the three day version block 1 of the bodybuilding II template (though I must admit I’ve bastardised it slightly to be a full body workout per day). My question would be: since I can only spare three days a week for training are there any modifications I can make to blocks II and III to allow me to complete them on three day a week schedule? Thanks.

The 3-day Bodybuilding II template is similar to the 4-day template’s block I, with the same exercise selection and similar programming (tweaked a bit). I would recommend swapping the exercises based on what’s available on blocks 2 and 3, while also adopting the different rep schemes for those movements in the subsequent blocks.

Thanks Jordan, so swap in the newly tweaked rep ranges from the subsequent blocks… Probably should have thought of that myself!

Yep, that’d be a reasonable plan!