Bridge vs Hypertrophy


I have completed the first week of the GPP hypertrophy template and am enjoying very much. I had around a three-week break from training due to holiday and prior to that was messing around with the end of LP-style programming and not doing any conditioning. After the holiday I was feeling pretty out of shape so decided to do the GPPHT program.

I’m wondering whether on completing the GPP program it’s worth running the Bridge in order to transfer back to a strength focus or would this represent a decrease in training stimulus (with the notes in the GPP template suggesting it be run after LP or bridge)?

I intend to eventually move to the 12-week strength template so would it be better to just go to this after finishing GPPHT or is it worth doing the Bridge in between too?

Thanks for all the continually awesome content :slight_smile:

It would be fine to do the Bridge.