Caffeine doesn't work. what do?

Hi BBM team,

Recently I’ve been taking caffeine prior to my training sessions with the goal of boosting my energy levels. That being said, I haven’t been able to notice any difference after I take caffeine. I’ve tried up to 500mg but that doesn’t seem to affect me at all (that I can notice). Also, I don’t have a history of regular caffeine use.

  1. Should I keep upping the dose until I get the desired “energetic” feeling? After a quick google search, 500mg seems to be a high dose so I don’t know if going higher is a good idea?
  2. Should I even be looking for an “energetic” feeling after taking caffeine? I’ve read that caffeine can improve strength performance so I’m probably getting benefits that I don’t even notice.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

  1. 3-9mg/kg is the typical dosing range for benefit, but if you’re not getting anything out of 500mg it might not be for you.
  2. I think you should feel more alert and awake with caffeine, yes.
