Competing: The Bridge/HLM & Peaking Template or 12wk Strength?

I want to compete in 19 weeks. I need to lose 12kg to compete in the u100kg weightclass which is where I want to be for this meet.

Is there any advantage to running the 12wk strength template over either The Bridge or HLM & the peaking template? Currently have a 500kg total. What peaking template would be best?

12 week strength has more volume, which is not only better for strength development but it’s especially key if you’re going to be losing weight. So that is what I would do. 12 week strength has a peaking phase built into it. If you don’t want to run the peaking phase in the program you could sub in one of the others from the peaking templates, but you would have to read the descriptions at the top and see which one sounds most like you. Just like anything else, you don’t know what works best for you until you try. All you can do is make as educated of a guess as possible and see how it goes.

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​​​​​​Barbell Medicine’s template overview thread recommends not trying to lean out by more than 5lbs on the 12-week strength template…It’s Probably not a good idea for continued strength gains over the next 19 weeks to cut 30lbs. If this meet was 61 weeks away cutting 30lbs to be in the U100kg wouldn’t be a bad idea.