Prep for meet using 12 week strength template

was thinking about using the 12 week strength template going into my next meet for april 7th 2019. It appears that the old version has a completely different peaking block then the new version. Question is, would either version be the right template going into a meet? Would one be better then the other? Does the newest version still give an adequate time to reduce fatigue going into a meet? Thanks!

I have 25 weeks and started the 7 week GGP 3 day V2 this week and plan on going into HLM or the bridge 8 week 2.0 (minus two weeks due to time constraints) and then the 12 week strength template.

If you bought the old one, didn’t you receive a copy of the new one too? I think you were supposed to. if you didn’t I’d email them about it and just compare them yourself!

I did. I’m asking if anyone thinks the new template has enough of a peaking block to reduce fatigue going into a meet. If you compare them side by side the old one has a peaking block that makes sense to me. Not sure how your suppose to reduce fatigue and be fresh going into a meeting when your doing pin squats days before a meet etc.

Nevermind. I just realized there are 13 weeks in the new template. Not 12. Disregard my question. Thanks!