Deadlift form check and advice on missing reps as bar rolls off

Hi everyone,

I would like a form check, please, and some advice on why I am missing my 4th and 5th reps.

Some problems: (1) My lower back starts to round somewhere from the 3rd/4th rep; quite visible in Set 2.

(2) I definitely missed my 4th and 5th rep in Set 2; possibly even the 3rd rep. I couldn’t get a decent lockout, because it felt like the bar was going to fall off from my hands (and it did in the 5th rep - Set 2). I did not feel the weight was too much to lift, just that I couldn’t hold on to it long enough to get a proper lockout. My head was pointing up in my 5th rep of Set 2.

I had about a two week gap between my workout sessions for some unavoidable reasons. Last I did DLs was on Sept 24 (225 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets). This was on Oct 10 (235 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets). I don’t know if the gap contributed to the weakness or something. This is embarrassing and disappointing. 235 lbs is a warm up set for many of you. And it shouldn’t be this hard. It was very frustrating, I didn’t feel like doing any other exercises. I kept doing DLs by lowering the weight, and still had trouble holding on to the bar. I was thinking I would get to 315 lbs by end of December; and now I can’t finish my 235 lbs.

And I weigh 200 lbs.

Set 1: 235 lbs x 5 reps - back angle

New video - YouTube

Set 2: 235 lbs x 5 reps (missed reps) - front angle

New video1 - YouTube

Any advice? Should I do 235 lbs for a few more sessions?

What grip are you using, from the videos it looks like it might be double overhand, but I can’t tell. Also, are you using chalk? I take it your plan is to DL 2 sets of 5 once per week. I would definitely DL at least 1x week. The volume seems low IMO, I’d do at least 15 reps at 70%+ each week. Also I wouldn’t predetermine your loads, it is reasonable to go into you sessions with an expected load, but then you should autoregulate based on your warmups in order to hit a predetermined RPE.

I used to have grip issues (and grip is still on the brink of being a limiting factor) and one thing that helps me is doing static holds. The way I usually program this is to hold on to the last rep of my last set in a session for a given amount of time (normally a 5ct-15ct). Once my grip was a little stronger I found that overload work really boosted my confidence in my grip.

Are you competing in powerlifting (or planning to compete)? If not you could just DL with straps.

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I bought a $3 bar of chalk from Amazon and it has made an enormous difference. I workout at home though. That may not be an option if you are in a commercial gym.

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Chalk and mixed grip is definitely the way to go IMO, those two changes will probably make a huge difference and are very easy to implement.

I can relate. The sensation of losing or possibly losing the bar would cause me to round, I guess from my focus shifting from bracing to not dropping the bar from a height. I used hook grip for a while, which was fine but as unpleasant as everyone says. Then I started using straps for my last warmup and working sets, and got on with my life. I don’t compete. My grip still gets trained with increases in warmup weights.

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