Deadlift Groin "freak out"

Just wanted to shoot you all a note of thanks.

I was in the middle of what should have been a routine set of 5 @ 7 (375). After the first rep I felt an acute pain in my groin area. Completed the second rep and it was worse. I ended the set there and (internally) freaked out for 30 seconds, thinking I had some sort of serious hernia and that everything was ruined.

After the initial scare, realizing that I wasn’t dead, I took a few minutes to relax and took some weight off that bar. I went back down to 315 which was my last, pain free warm up set. Completed that set of 5 fine with no groin/pain issues. Added another 20 lbs to 335 and completed another set of 5, pain free. Finally, went back and completed the set at 375 with no issues.

Four months ago I would have ended my training immediately following the acute pain forgoing the rest of day’s training. Now I was mentally able to keep things in proper perspective and continue training.

Thanks again.

We are happy to hear this. Thanks for the note!