do I need a strength template?

so, I have the 7 week hypertrophy template and I’m wondering if I need a strength template sometime down the road or can I repeat the hypertrophy plan ?
Im not a competitive powerlifter and I have no sports other than mountainbiking. My only goal is to add muscle and strength to carry into old age. I realize the novelty of the 7 wk hypertrophy plan will run out sooner or later but if I change up my workouts and rep/set scheme enough, could I theoretically stay on some sort of hypertrophy plan for an extended period of time?

Can you keep running the hypertrophy template indefinitely and still see improvement? No. Can you try to alter it a bit and eek out more time? Sure, but you’re going to get to the point that you are then needed to do a program variation that really isn’t that template anymore, you know? We do recommend cycling templates for this reason. Or you get to that point where you are ready to write your own programming. (But I think there is benefit is being able to use and have the experience of several temptable types if this is something you are aiming for. )

understood. So I need to alter between hypertrophy and strength programing?

It’s a pretty common scenario, so that’s our go to. I think it’s totally worth you trying it out.