This week I will complete the 12 Week Strength Template. Prior to that, I completed the 7 Week Hypertrophy Template.
Next, for lack of a better idea, I was just going to repeat the Strength template. Is that a good plan? Or do you recommend something different for the next cycle?
For the first time ever, my workout regimen is in a nice deep groove – I make progress every week, injury free, NO BLOWOUTS! I owe that to what I’ve learned from you guys about managing fatigue, so many thanks!!
At this point, I really just want to stay in this groove for as many years as possible:
continue making regular measurable progress (psychological motivation)
continue getting stronger (invest in long-term physical health)
continue intelligent fatigue management (avoid blowouts and health problems).
I suppose my main concern at this point is that as I’ve gotten bigger and stronger, I feel like the sessions are increasingly taxing on my nervous system, that perhaps I should add some more space in the programming to allow for additional recovery time.
I have a feeling that if I were to repeat the Strength Template from where I’m at now, that after the first four weeks or so, it would get very difficult to sufficiently recover from week to week. I could be totally wrong about that – this is just a gut feeling I have based on listening to my body and analyzing the data over these past two templates.
Do you think there’s anything to this, or should I be able to just repeat the Strength Template, as is, no problem?
I would ask you why you think this? As you become more trained you become more resistant to fatigue, recovery improves, etc. I don’t think training less is the solution and I wouldn’t expect that your nervous system is getting wrecked here.
I think since you say that, I would do the hypertrophy template and during the next 8 weeks talk positively to yourself about your training, recovery abilities, and future training potential. I think negative expectations may have the potential to hold you back here.