Hi again guys. Ive got some questions regarding the header.
So I posted quite recently about my shift patterns and lack of sleep etc.
As of next week Im going to be switching to the BBM beginner prescription, Jordan recommended this to me over continuing a standard LP, but as I was less then 3 weeks out of a full 3 months on the program I thought I might as well try and finish it.
Now I have had some moderate success with it, Ive had previous experience (7+years ago) with lifting with the exception of squats(no rack). This week has been impossible to finish up, with every lift getting worse then the previous week. As you have stated in many of your seminar videos, when it stops working, ditch it, don’t try to milk it out. The only thing that is baffling me is just how different my squat numbers are to everything else. I have not deloaded most and as of last week came to a complete stall on everything.
Except squats which Ive had to deload multiple times around the 80kg 90kg and 100kg mark, and finally gave up with LP on them this week at 92.5kg. My last deload was to address my descent speed, Ive had 2 powerlifters watch my squat, both say my form isn’t too shabby. plenty of hip drive, bent over enough, just need to stay tighter in the hole.
My bench press and Row have almost completely caught up with squats at around 80-85kg, and my deadlifts went up non stop until this weeks stall at 150kg x5. Im honestly very happy with where the program has taken me except with squats. Im now burnt out enough that Im deloading for a week to recover before switching over to the BBM template and getting used to varied rep ranges (and practicing rpe)
Now my main question is, how normal is it to have such a difference between the squat and the deadlift? Have you seen similar experiences with beginners you have coached?
Im 33 Years old and weigh 84kg.
If I am genuinely at the end of my linear progression or at my base level strength, would you recommend the full beginner template or just running the first phase then switching to the bridge when progress plateaus? Do I need variations to drive my squat up more? I know we are not meant to compare to others, But my squat numbers are much much lower the people of my age and weight who have used similar programming for 12 weeks.
Apologies for the wall of text, not very good at putting things into words! Thanks again for your time!