Endurance Temp

purchased the endurance template just recently. GPP week 2 day 3 conditioning doesn’t specify the exercise. am I to just choose any sorta cardio exercise and do it at an RPE 8 for 4 minutes?

yup. FWIW, I’ve seen the following approaches work well with that template.

pick one mode (running, rowing, biking) and stick to it the entire template

pick one mode per day (i.e. bike on day 1, run on day 2, row on day 3 each week)

you suggest I don’t run every condition day?

Sorta - not really.
I said that you can pick one mode for the entire program (e.g. Running) or that I have also seen successful use of a different mode for each day, provided that the mode stays the same week to week. (E.g. bike each day 1, run each day 2, row each day 3).

You can do whatever makes you happy. Suggest is too strong; merely sharing the benefit of mine and others experience.

lol, I understand. thanks man.

regarding the 400m test. what am I going to be doing? run 400m and try to set a best time? I mean 400m isn’t very far. doing one set to see how fast I can run 400m seems a bit pointless for a GPP day.

you’d warm up and try to set a personal best.

Its a test. That’s all.

The first and last week on that template are indeed “testing” weeks as far as the endurance stuff goes. So you can actually track your progress, you know?