Gainzzz protien

Dr. Feigenbaum,
I have listened to every Barbell Medicine podcast available. I appreciate your efforts in dispelling fitness/health myths and promoting wellness through strength training. I professionally admire that you have managed to develop your business (podcasts, remote coaching, and concierge medical practice) while finishing your residency. It happens to be a somewhat similar business I had been planning to start once I finish my military career. I am an Army Physician Assistant with a BS in Exercise Science. I continually battle out-dated army exercise dogma in hopes of improving fitness in my patient population. There have been great lengths taken to promote informed nutritional decisions through our THOR3 programs. I would like to ask if you are planning on getting your supplement products third party certified by NSF, Informed-Sport, or Informed-Choice. My understanding (which may be inaccurate) of GMP certification is that it is primarily to guarantee clean production facilities rather than proving a supplement label contains exactly what it advertises. I look forward to your comment.


Thank you for your service. My brother is actually a Navy PA- so that’s cool!

As far as NSF vs GMP, as I understand it GMP is the NSF’s way of certifying the facility that produces the supplement and raw materials to be free from contamination and to actually be what the label claims. The NSF “Certified for Sport” designation tests the finished product for banned contaminants, not the ingredient content and costs money + is not sensitive enough for my tastes (given the cost). I have learned of two drug failures blamed on contaminants in an NSF Certified for Sport approved supplement. I don’t think it’s bad, but for our company I’m not really convinced it’s worth it.