Gen S&C II Spreadsheet Bugs

Hey Dr. Feigenbaum,

I just picked up the Gen S&C II template and started running it. It’s going great so far! I was looking at Block II and noticed that there are a few possible bugs in it: 1. The exercise selection in Block II seems to be wrong. In Day 2 selection, the options for main vertical pull are all presses, the options for triceps are pulls, and the options for are squats. Exercise selection for Days 1 & 3 appear to be correct.
2. In Block II, the main lift rx is “3-5 reps @ RPE 6/4 RIR. Repeat weight for X set(s) of 4-6 reps. RPE/RIR can go up to 8/2.”. Based on the info about increasing weight, it seems like the repeat sets here should also be 3-5 reps rather than 4-6 reps?

Thanks in advance!

Yea, we caught the first bug and updated the template to fix the exercise selection. Didn’t see the second one, where the back offs should be 3-5 reps. I’ll get to that very soon. Thanks!