Greyskull Strength Bias - twice a week setup?


I came across your gresykull strength bias program and wanted to see if you think it could be achievable with a twice a week setup?

I had been running the original greyskull lp for some time, but with an infant and only getting 6 hours of sleep, recovery made it pretty hard to progress on training 3x a week.

Below are my 3 rep maxes on the end of my recent greyskull run:
Squat: 305lb
Paused Bench: 235lb
Paused Press: 175lb
Deadlift: 315lb
BW: 190


Thanks for the post and for joining the forum. I think you could do the GSLP program 2x/wk, though I don’t think it’d be my preferred programming setup. Additionally, I’m not sure that training fewer days is likely to work better than training the same (or more) days, but with a different setup. In fact, I’d argue that training less is unlikely to work unless you are able to sleep more. If that’s the case, check out this 2-day/wk plan I’d favor:

Week 1:

  1. Day 1

  2. Squat 4-6 reps @ RPE 6 for first set. Repeat x 3-4 sets and shut it down when same weight becomes > RPE 8

  3. Deadlift variant 5-8 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 2 sets

  4. Unilateral leg work x 8-12 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 2-3 sets

  5. Abs

  • Day 2
  1. Bench Press 4-6 reps @ RPE 6 for first set. Repeat x 3-4 sets and shut it down when same weight becomes > RPE 8
  2. Weighted chins/pull ups or heavy rows 5-8 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 3 sets
  3. Incline or Overhead Press x 8-12 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 2-3 sets
  4. Arms

Week 2:

  1. Day 1

  2. Deadlift 4-6 reps @ RPE 6 for first set. Repeat x 3-4 sets and shut it down when same weight becomes > RPE 8

  3. Squat variant 5-8 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 2 sets

  4. Unilateral leg work x 8-12 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 2-3 sets

  5. Abs

  • Day 2
  1. Incline Press or Overhead Press 4-6 reps @ RPE 6 for first set. Repeat x 3-4 sets and shut it down when same weight becomes > RPE 8
  2. Weighted chins/pull ups or heavy rows 5-8 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 3 sets
  3. Bench Press or variant x 8-12 reps @ RPE 6-7 x 2-3 sets
  4. Arms


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Awesome, thank you Jordan!

Ill take your advice and see if I can squeeze in training a third day, and do the program as your originally wrote it. If my schedule doesnt allow it, ill fall back on this 2 day approach!

Another question with the original 3 day template: Could I add additional back off sets on the intensity day after the 4-6 rep set? So instead of doing an all out 12-15 rep set, would it be plausible to lower the intensity and hit 2x8-10?

Thanks again!

You can do that, sure. I would be curious as to why, however. That particular program relies heavily on movement variation and working very close to failure. I think if someone wants to use that approach, that’s fine, despite it not being my first choice. However, I think modifying bits and pieces of it makes me wonder if someone would be amenable to even more changes… In other words, why run the program in the first place? I realize the stakes are relatively low, as it’s just a workout program. Still, I do think there are better options than GSLP if you’re up for them.

Good point. During the last gslp run, I felt pretty beat up towards the end. I had done a few resets but found myself continuing to stall, even when I subbed out exercises. I thought about perhaps spreading out volume and intensity throughout the week.

I’m open to other programs if you have any recommendations. Due to hectic scheduling conflicts, I can train pretty hard twice a week without any issues. Or I could do 3-4 sessions if they are shorter. My gslp workouts were taking about 90 min from start to completion towards the end of the program.

A few points to make, then some recommendations:

  1. I do not think resetting on an exercise program that has run its course is likely to produce significant improvements in fitness. Rather, taking the signal that the program no longer works for you at a given time and moving on is probably best practice.
  2. I do not think training frequency, e.g. “spreading the volume or intensity out” really matters outside of of logistical concerns. In other words, doing 5x5 squats on 1 day vs a single set of 5 on 5 days is probably going to generate the same result (or lack thereof).
  3. Given your options to train 2x/wk “hard” or train 3-4x/wk if they’re shorter, I’d opt for the version that lets you complete the most training volume. I suspect that’s training 3-4x/wk for 60-minutes or less
  4. Conditioning is also very important and I would 10/10 recommend doing that alongside whatever lifting program you choose I think if strength and size are your priority (in that order), I’d favor the Powerbuilding I template for a full body workout or the Push-Pull-Legs Powerbuilding template for a body part split setup.