Groin pain on below paralell squat

Hi everybody, I am 33 years old male 176 cm high and 84 kg heavy. I started LNP last september with squating 40, deadlift 60, shoulder press 30 and bench press 60 kg for sets of 5. Yes, I could benchpress more then squat and the reason for it was that the only physical activity I was doing consistently through the years were push ups :slight_smile:

I progressed pretty well in first 2 months reaching squat 90, DL 100, SP 50 , BP 75 kg for sets of 5. The problem begun while doing squats. When it became really heavy like 4. and 5. repetition on max weight in the last 1/3 of the descent and on initiating return up, I was feeling sharp pain in my right groin exactly here:

Upon finishing the session pain was present only when trying to cross the right leg and similar movements. However, as soon as start doing heavy squats, pain was back. I went to see the doctor and he told me that I should immediately stop doing below parallel squats since they are harmful. Basically I should be doing quarter squats. I made a pouse and didnā€™t squat for a month, pain was gone but as soon as I went back to squating 80+ kg below parallel pain was there again. Now I am completely pain free for more then a month but I also didnā€™t squat below paralell since then :frowning: I continue to DL, BP and SP but doing only quarter squats with 120 kg. In addition,I had no pain at all while loading hip adductors with a fitness band excercises.

So, obviously you can not diagnose me remotely and that is not what I expect, but can you maybe comment on some usual couses on similar injuries? And also, how often are you seeng/coatching people who have anatomy issues where squating below parallel is apriori dangerous.

Thank you in advance

I am not sure what your exact injury is. It could be something known as athletic pubalgia, it could be a hernia (were you checked for this?), it could be a hamstring or adductor tendinopathy, etc.

This sounds like something I was dealing with. I would aggravate it on max squats when my form broke down trying to grind out of the hole. Seemed to happen when I would shift weight to my ā€˜strongā€™ side, but my knees caved slightly and overloaded the adductor down the inside of my groin.

So I would back off, take it easy on the squats, work back up and aggravate it again when it got heavy.

Itā€™s annectodal but I finally got a pair of squat shoes instead of doing them in socks and that seems to have solved my knee valgus, probably by preventing my foot archs from collapsing which kicked off the form breakdown. Havenā€™t hurt the groin since.

If not that, then ā€˜squatting with a weight that doesnā€™t cause painā€™ was the only other thing I did and eventually it worked so have faith.

I had the same symptoms a few years ago. Saw several doctors, had MRIā€™s and all showed normal. I spent 2years trying to get a diagnosis. Finally, I was told I had a sports hernia. It required surgery where the doctor released my adductor longus from the pubic bone. This resolved the symptoms.

ā€œSports herniaā€ is the same thing as the athletic pubalgia that I mentioned above. Certainly possible.

I had something very similiar as well last summer. Some things that helped me were slightly narrowing my stance and decreasing the amount my feet were rotated. It took a solid 4-5 months to fully resolve. The biggest thing was finding a pain free way to squat and progressing from there.

I should also note i did a bunch of other silly things that just seemed to just aggravate it such as eccentric exercises and graston technique so maybe it would have resolved quicker if I just focused on squatting.


I donā€™t know if this is the same as what I dealt with, but I had similar groin pain for a few YEARS that I just couldnā€™t figure out, no matter how much I messed around with stance width and different cues.

I only solved it after I figured out that I apparently have somewhat outlier-ish hips, and need to squat with my toes pointed out quite a bit further than most people. Since then, zero groin pain.

First of all, thank you all for the answers and apologize for not coming back. I thought I did something wrong while writing the initial post since I couldnā€™t see my topic after hitting ā€œSendā€ but looks like it needs some time for moderators to approve it before it appears.

Anyway, doctor said it is not any sort of hernia, he suspects that I have born with undeveloped right hip. Although I can not exclude that option, I somehow have doubts since I was doing all kind of sports my whole life and had zero issues with hips. However, I am still pain free but not doing deep squats anymore. I know it is sub optimal but my fear that the pain will come back is bigger than will to optimize the gainz.