High intensity + low calories = horrible?

I would finish the 12 week program and I suggest eating at maintenance using the Muller equation for calories (https://tdeecalculator.net/). The Muller equation one of the more recent equations and tries to correct for errors in prior equations. This will help your body find a reset body fat/weight point. It is a thing Mike Israetel and Layne Norton like to use as does Eric Helms (who did a study on his PhD with it), both in dieting down or bulking up. Diet or bulk for a set number of weeks, say 6 to 8, then eat at maintenance for 2 to 4 weeks, then continue the diet/bulk.

In your situation it would work well. You have dieted for 7 or 8 weeks, now eat at maintenance for 4 or 5 weeks or whatever is left. Then diet again for another bunch of weeks and then eat at your new maintenance again for a few weeks.

Remember to re-calculate your dieting calories and maintenance calories at the start of each phase as your maintenance calories will change as you lose weight, as will your dieting calories.