HIIT on The Bridge

Hey Barbell Squad. I’m on the last week of the Bridge and am now reflecting on my progress and what I could attack in the future, I feel like I am leaning towards a rerun on The Bridge as I feel I could have done a better job with the initial few weeks in terms of gauging RPE and have not been able to incorporate the second GPP day which possibly means I have some gainzZz left to realize before I move on.

The question I have been pondering for the last few weeks is whether or not I should incorporate the second GPP day (At least the HIIT portion of it). Given my current responsibilities if I were to do incorporate the 2nd day I would need need to rejig the structure a little bit to fit it all into a Monday-Friday schedule as gym time on the weekend is very hard to come by. I am 6feet 1 inch and 205 pounds and am still trying to put on some muscle mass, I have also adapted enough to the stress requirements of heavy lifting portion of the bridge without the second GPP day that I appear to make it through a high stress week on sub-optimal sleep.

To get specific: If I am constrained for time and am still trying to gain weight, what do I risk losing by not incorporating the HIIT portion of the recommended GPP if I rerun the bridge for a second go?

I think this really depends on how difficult it would be in your situation to add the HIIT. That extra conditioning will be good for your work capacity development, but it’s not going to sabotage all your progress if you leave it out because you simply don’t have the time to do it.

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If I may:

how would you sprint on an assult bike? Just bump the level up (bike resistance) and sprint or sprint at the same level? What are we aiming for exactly?

After the sprint would you stop to recover for 1m40s or just LISS while you recover?

Thank you!