If I don’t care about the press and would rather focus more on bench right now, what 2-3 bench variations would be your preference for replacing the press on BBM’s HLM? And should I switch the comp bench and press slots to avoid having 2 comp lifts on Monday but 0 on Wednesday, or would you just leave it? Thanks.
I would pick any bench variation you feel like has good carry over to you and just plug and play. Close grip, 2ct paused bench, pin bench, and slingshot bench are my top picks.
Thanks, I think I’ll start out with some pin bench since that’s something I haven’t really done much of yet, we’ll see what that does for me. Would you put the bench variation directly in place of the press, or put it where the comp bench was and move the comp bench to the press slot?
Also, should it be an odd or even numbered supplemental?
You can plug the bench variation in right in place of the press, using those reps ranges. And if you want, you can swap the bench and press comp slots.