Press Template modification for someone who can't bench


I just purchased your 12 week press template. For someone who cannot bench (long standing shoulder issues, but I can press pain free), would a reasonable modification of the press template be to replace all instances of the competition bench with another instance of the competition press? And then replace all supplemental press work that involves benching, with some other supplemental press? I currently press 3x a week, and have done so for a while. I’m currently on a MWF routine.


I would probably swap the C-B for another type of supplemental press, but otherwise this sounds like a reasonable plan.

I’m quite sure this has been answered elsewhere, but I did have another question. You guys seem to put a lot of emphasis on supplemental movements, at least that is my impression when looking at this routine. IIRC, you guys have four different supplemental press movements in the program? Could you provide some general thoughts on the BBM position as to why supplemental movements may be more beneficial than to perform more instances of the movement itself? Not trying to argue, would just like to understand the approach.


I’d recommend listening to our programming podcasts, we discuss this there.