How should I add power clean to my LP? My form is trash.

Hi, guys. I’m currently progressing though a Starting Strength LP (using their app) and I haven’t started power cleans yet. I’m 36yo, 5’7”, 166lbs, in good health, 3x5 squat = 280, 1x5 DL = 340, OHP = 105, BP = 175. Still making progress but starting to plateau a bit. I also do weighted pull-ups every other session and rock climb for a couple hours once per week at RPE 6-8.

The way that Starting Strength’s app programs power cleans is by alternating PC & DL so that DL is no longer performed with every workout. I’m happy with my DL progress. Now I’m concerned that my DL progress will stall because my PC form is trash. I have never learned it before now and I feel like I should practice it with light weights before integrating it into my LP.

Any suggestions? I plan to finish this LP and then move on to something like The Bridge.

How rewarding is it to learn the power clean and make it a consistent part of my programming?

Could you explain a bit more about your goals? It’s not clear that the power clean is actually worthwhile for you. Given that your progress is starting to plateau we might just suggest moving on to post-novice programming.

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My goals are to continue to gain strength, increase my weight while remaining <15%BF, and live a healthy life. I only ask about the power clean because it’s part of the starting strength core lifts.

We would not recommend going that route, then.

Understood. Thank you.

Under which circumstances/goals would you recommend performing the power clean?

Pretty magnanimous. What would Rippletoe say if someone from here went over there and asked about RPE?

Primarily if someone wanted to get into weightlifting (snatch/clean & jerk) or another sport that required them, like competitive CrossFit.

Thanks, Austin. I appreciate the feedback and will forego the power clean during the remainder of my LP.