How to learn advice and tips please

Hi so I have a pretty good understanding of the human body and I can’t afford a coach I was wondering if there is any steps to take to learn how to program I get it’s not an easy task but I’d be willing to do a lot of research to learn how to program for myself so if you guys have any tips on how to learn how to program that would make my year

I don’t think you can learn to program well (or coach) without actively coaching lots of folks and guided learning. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but that’s what I think.

That said, there are a lot of free resources out there that can help you learn about programming principles. To the extent this gives you more insight into the process, that’s what I’d do.

Hi I really appreciate the response I really only need to know the basic ideas and principles and things like that of programming afte that i will just continue to practice designing them and get better. So what sources do tug recommend and I can also buy books if you know any books that will help with programming. Again I know I won’t become an expert but I just need a foundation then I can build upon it.

I don’t think that’s true with respect to basic ideas and principles, but if you’re looking for resources I would recommend our website, the RTS guys, and DataDriven Strength. I don’t think there are books that can teach you how to program, but I do like “Strength is Specific” and “Hypertrophy” by Beardsley.

I know I’ve answered this question for you a few different times and I want to make sure you understand what I’m saying, even if you may not want to hear it.

I don’t think you can get good at programming without coaching a lot of other people and a relatively large fund of knowledge (or guided learning) to interpret that from. I think you’d be better off spending your time becoming an expert in your field of choice.

Got you man I’m 15 and hopefully will become a coach one day so that’s why I’m asking I will check all those guys out I also heard Greg nuckols and Mike isreatel have books so I’ll check them out as well I will learn eventually it will just take time

Yo bro just checked out rts and they have a manual thing so I’ll get that I know I won’t learn everything but all this will surely add up and I’ll get it eventually i appreciate all the help