Hello, everyone.
My name is Tulio, I’m new at the Forum. Since Dr. Feigenbaum, Dr. Baraki et al. sell their services (which is completely fair), I am never sure of whether asking questions about training and such would be taking advantage of one’s goodwill. However, here I am open to suggestions from everyone.
I’m 27 YO, 179cm, around 88kg, not fat. I have been training with weights for some years, already, but I have decided to take it more seriously from this January on. Here in Brazil, it is fairly usual to go to gyms, but it is amazing how little importance is given to proper strength training and apparel, SS or powerlifting style (there are probably 4 or 5 men that squat in my gym, and this was not a typo - my first barbell squat was performed in my 4th year in the gym, and on my own). Threfore, I did not start my training by doing SS Linear Progression, and all I learned about these topics was using the interwebs and, this year, using SS (the book), their youtube channel and articles and then BBM and Alan Thrall’s youtube channels and articles (thanks, guys!). Therefore, I have pretty unrefined technique and programming notions, despite all the years i have of training in one way or the other.
Finally, getting to the poitn: is there any contraindication to jump to The Bridge, for instance, right away, if I am not sure of how “novice” am I (i.e., do I lose anything from using an intermediate program “too early”)? Should I try SSLP to make sure that there is nothing more I can obtain from there, or it would probably be a waste of time?
Thank you very much for any cues!
PS: For context, my estimated numbers for 1RM are 180kg S, 130kg BP, 210kg DL, 74kg OHP.