Hypertrophy I or II?

i am planning to start a new programm an cant decide between hypertrohy I and II.
I have been training with weights for more than 10 years… of which the last 5 years have been mainly strength/ powerlifting oriented training. Last year i decided that after my next PL Meet i want to focus on hypertrophy. The meet is done and since then i have run the legacy HYP template with 4 days a week training with decent results. after that i have trainined my own plan, tailored to a tight scedule (basically a lot of myo rep training).

And now that i have a little more time on my hands i wanna start another BBM-Hypertrophy cycle again.

I can train MON, WEN, FRI and sometimes SAT in a well equiped powerlifting gym, with all the Powerlifting stuff you need and a lot of good machines for a more bodybuiling type training. (Different leg press machines, different back, chest, shoulder and arm isolation machines; even an old viking press machine)

Since i work for the german police force i can also train during work hours… but only a shorter amount of time and only in the gym of the police station, wich is not very well equipped. (just a adjustiable bench, barbells, Dumbells, cable tower)
So i could easily do some lighter benching, shoulder work, core work, arm isolation etc. in the gym at the station… but it is not really suited for squats or deadlifts or a lot of heavy compounds.

Now to my question:
Which template is best suited for my needs? Version 1 or Version 2?



Thanks for the post and thoughtful question. I would do hypertrophy II in this case. Let us know how you do!


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