Hypertrophy question


I will be finishing up the powerlifting template in a few weeks and I’m going to shift my training focus to hypertrophy. I have previously ran the hypertrophy 1 template with relatively good results,but I am considering running hypertrophy 2. Would you reccomed hypertrophy 1 over 2 and if so, why? I also would like to incorporate some gymnastic rings training into either of the programs and I’m wondering how you would reccomend doing that without comprising my hypertrophy training. I’ve previously trained them over a year ago and I usually would practice movements for an hour or so and avoid failure.

22 years old
6 feet tall
33 inch waist

I would recommend Hypertrophy II if you’ve been running Powerlifting II, as the volume is more appropriate.

I think if you wanted to do any of the BW work, e.g. pull-ups, push-ups, etc. on the rings - that’d be cool, but they’re not great for hypertrophy compared to machine or dumbbell work due to the greater fatigue they induce for a comparative amount of stimulus.