Hello, I’m sorry if this is has been asked somewhere here, but the search function turned up no results.
I’ve had my fair share of lower back injuries in the past, always due to pushing self too hard, or poor form during a movement. This forum and BBM has been extremely helpful in encouraging movement.
Here’s my issue: in the morning I cannot for the life of me get my back to cooperate with any heavy pulling or heavy squats. In the mornings I will warmup frequently (no stretching) prior to lifting, and still I find it difficult to pull anything more than 225 off the ground beltless, or 315 with a belt on (max is 545). It’s not that I have pain so much in the morning, as much as it feel like my back does not want to wake up and me with the lift. It feels as if my back is running at 50-60% capacity.
I would love to workout in the morning, but 95% of the time I lift in the evenings where my back feels good (assuming because of all the movement/hydration throughout the day).
I’m certain this is difficult to diagnose through a forum, but wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences. Thanks.
Hey n4rf - tough to say whats ongoing but if training in the morning meant you’d maintain long term adherence to training right now then I’d recommend finding tolerable loads you can handle during that time slot. If timing is not a big deal, then not sure I’d worry much about this.