Maintaining a health promoting dietary pattern with frequent travel

Hello everyone,
A bit over a year ago I revamped my diet to a mostly health promoting pattern. At home I’m doing pretty fine I think.
However, frequent travel makes consistency hard at times due to food environment and time constraints. Depending on where you go it is hard or almost impossible to find restaurants with a good selection of healthy food. It takes (even) more planning and RAM to take care of the diet.
I guess more people experience this. So I thought it would be a good idea to exchange tips and experiences here. I’ll start:

  • meal prep obviously, especially for shorter trips or for the first 1 or 2 meals of the trip to avoid buying fast food at the Airport or the Highway. My go to options: overnight oats, quinoa-lentil-salad with veggie and feta.
  • getting healthy snacks from grocery stores during road trips (fruit, nuts, Skyr)
  • hotel breakfast: stick to scrambled egg and fruit, oatmeal if available. Avoid the industrial bakery goods (mostly disgusting anyway)
  • restaurants: salad with chicken is mostly available. Fish over meat. Fish often seems to come with healthier sides. Avoid fries if possible.

Initially I strongly restricted meat/fish due to slightly elevated urea level. I don’t do that anymore (during travel ) as this makes it even more difficult.

How do you deal with it?